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GROSSMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS was formed in 1995, with a mission
to provide top-notch, competitively priced senior-level public
relations counsel to corporations, professional service firms,
companies and non-profit organizations.  The firm works both
independently and with teams of other senior counselors on a
variety of client matters.  Allied with a number of advertising,
direct-marketing, design and internet firms, Grossman PR offers
full service, marketing communications capabilities.


We believe in responsible, ethical advocacy.
We believe in providing value for our clients.
We strive to exceed the expectations of our clients.
We are available to our clients 24/7 when they need us.
We see our role as first and foremost advancing our clients interests
   in the "court of public opinion," while being highly sensitive to legal
   counsel's goal of protecting client interest in "the court of law."

We believe in a intergrated approach to communications, addressing
   all internal and external audiences and using all traditional media and
   new technology.

We believe we in partnerships with our clients -- where results rule.





© 2007-2013  Grossman Public Relations Counselors, LLC  All Rights Reserved.